Carrie Underwood’s ‘Sound Of Music’ Ratings Inspire More Live Musical Projects? Show Gets Mixed Reviews But Hits The Stores In DVD Format

Despite being panned by some critics and original cast members, Carrie Underwood's "Sound of Music" was a certified hit in the ratings department thus inspiring more live musical projects.

The high ratings inspired NBC to consider airing similar musicals on the network, entertainment chairman Bob Greenbalt told The Hollywood Reporter. In fact, the network already has three titles in the pipeline.

However, he confessed that the rights issues surrounding the three titles are very complicated and he's not even sure if they can pull it off.

"In the next couple of weeks -- we want to do this quickly -- we'll zero in on something because we have to produce it. We now have less than a year. When we did Sound of Music, we literally spent 18 months on it and had a lot to learn," he said.

The Sound of Music Live, starring Carrie Underwood, was very popular among the demographic 18-49, generating 18.470 million viewers. It was reportedly NBC's highest average for a Thursday rating, if you don't count sports.

Greenbalt said there are few titles that resonate with the audience as much as The Sound of Music that featured Carrie Underwood, but if their next project proves to be successful, "I think we can do it next year and if we're successful again next year, I think we could do it again."

NBC is also hoping to generate a windfall from DVD sales after releasing copies of the live performance on December 17, distributed by Universal Studios Home Entertainment. The DVD includes behind the scene footage and interviews.

Underwood's performance as Maria Von Trapp received mixed reviews from viewers and critics. While nearly everybody raved about her voice, they were less than amused by acting.

Kym Karath, one of the original cast members of the 1965 film starring Julie Andrews, tweeted after the show that she was disappointed with Underwood.

"Must admit some scenes are actually painful to watch...Love Carrie Underwood but this role is just not right for her. She is lovely her voice is beautiful but acting is wrong," Karath tweeted.

Carrie Underwood
sound of music
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