Mitt Romney’s Photo With Grandkids Turns Into A Joke?! Former Governor’s Black Grandson Becomes "Victim" Of MSNBC Host’s "Racial Slur"!?

It seems MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and her panelist of comedians and liberalists found it hilarious that Mitt Romney has a black grandson as the former Governor posted a photo on Twitter with his grandkids and wife. So, what's so funny about diversity?

MSNBC's "What's So Funny About 2013?" hosted by Harris-Perry poked fun at the photo of Romney and his white family. The Republican senator was carrying baby Keiran, the adopted baby of his son Ben and his wife, Andelynne.

When shown the photo, actress Pia Glenn quipped: "One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn't the same and that little baby, front and center, would be the one," Glenn said, referring to Keiran.

Comedian Dean Obeidallah joined in: "It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person."

Instead of chiding her panelists, however, Harris-Perry even made the remark about looking forward to the wedding between baby Keiran and North West, the baby of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

Viewers weren't too amused by the jokes, calling them at the very least uncouth with some commenters even calling them racist.

In her Facebook page, former vice president hopeful Sarah Palin said the panelists of "yellow journalists" only showed their prejudice.  "This latest attack from the Left is despicable." she wrote. 

According to Caleb Howe in her blog The Right Scoop:  "He's (baby Keiran) not a child adopted by loving parents prepared to provide him with a better life in keeping with the family's values. Nope. He's just a token. A punchline, not a person."

Harris-Perry, who's African-American herself, posted in her Twitter account on December 31: "I am sorry. Without reservation or qualification. I apologize to the Romney family. #MHPapology."

While initially Glen was unapologetic, a wave of criticisms directed her way forced her to relent:  "I am absolutely aware of the added challenges of interracial adoptive families and I see how I added to that. I did not mean to. Still wrong."

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