Beyonce's Instagram Photo With The Last Supper Condemned By A Religious Group; 'Picture Was An Act Of Disrespect,' Says Group

Beyonce's Instagram phot of her posing in front of Andy Warhol's version of 'The Last Supper' was deemed ill-mannered by a particular conservative Christian group. The American Family Association wasted no time in expressing its disdain for Beyonce's Instagram photo.

The songstress had her picture taken on Miami Beach's Jugo juice bar in front of Warhol's mural.

Beyonce's Instagram photo was "an act of disrespect towards Jesus Christ that had to be done intentionally," claims group president Tim Wildmon.

The 'Single Ladies' singer did not accompany her 'Last Supper' pose with a caption. In several parts of her career, the 32-year-old pop star has talked about how she grew up performing for St. John's United Methodist Church referring to it as the "best training ground".

Last Month, Beyonce similarly had her fair share of criticism for her latest single 'XO'. Critics blasted the songs for being "too sexy" for young fans. According to Mediawatch UK as reported by The Daily Mail, Beyonce is one of the "sexual pop stars releasing explicit content".

Beyonce previously defended herself and her freedom for expression:  "I always feel like it's always been my responsibility to be aware of kids and their parents and all these generations. I felt like it stifled me. I felt like, in a sense, that I could not express everything. I've done so many things in my life and my career that at this point I feel I've earned the right to be me and express any and every side of myself."

Is Beyonce's Instagram photo indeed an act of disrespect?

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