‘Batman Vs Superman’ Cast Rumors - Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Signed Three-Picture Deal! Is A Solo Movie In The Works?

'Batman Vs Superman' is obviously not just a sequel. Wonder Woman is also not a one-shot character. Gal Gadot, the former Miss Israel who will play the Amazon Princess has actually signed for the long-term. Is a solo feature part of the plan?

The report was from Batman News, but they were simply quoting/translating from Hebrew from the show "Good Evening with Gai Pines" which is the top news show in Israel. The show also featured Gal Gadot in an extensive interview last month wherein Gadot addressed the issue of not being 'well endowed.'

"Batman News reader Maxim is back with some more Wonder Woman news from Israel. Gal Gadot was interviewed once again on Good Evening with Gai Pines, the top entertainment show in Israel. According to their report, Gadot got locked into a 3 movie deal when she signed on to play Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman. That's not too surprising, a 3 movie deal is usually the norm in superhero movies, but I don't think we've had confirmation on Gadot's deal until now.

While talking about her lucrative modeling career, Good Evening with Gai Pines estimated that Gadot will be making $300,000 for her role as Wonder Woman inBatman vs. Superman. They also revealed that Gadot is scheduled to start filming the Man of Steel sequel in May, which lines up with the production delay that Warner Bros. announced last week."

The big question of a Wonder Woman solo feature is still up in the air. A lot depends on the reaction towards the character, but they should have a steady direction for the character. Gal Gadot has. She does not want to portray a damsel in distress, and an Amazon Princess is not the eye candy that brings the 'VS' between Batman and Superman. In an interview with RealStyle: "Today it is very rare to see tough women on screen. Usually the woman is saved and rescued by the man. Gisele(character in Fast and Furious) is very feminine, soft, and intelligent, yet she is strong and independent. She thinks a few steps forward, takes care of herself, and she does not wait for any man to come and save the day."

Wonder Woman is supposed to be way ahead of Gisele, as she is not just a 'princess' but a monarch defending her race.

batman vs superman cast rumors
Wonder Woman
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