Texas Chupacabra Found, Captured and Videotaped, But Is It a Chupacabra? [VIDEO]

A chupacabra was found in Texas, according to local media. The Texas chupacabra was captured, not shot or killed. Experts are looking at the captured animal to see if it could possibly by the mythical animal chupacabra.

Chupacabra are elusive creatures that have made their way into modern mythology. The animals are also called goat-suckers, because they are alleged to drink the blood of animals. Nature's little vampires, the chupacabra, have been reported in South America and in the southwestern United States. Chupacabra sightings go back to the 1990s.

Jackie Stock and Arlen Parma said they caught a large hairless animal that was eating corn on their property in Ratcliffe, Texas, on Sunday. They believe this will be the first confirmed case of the chupacabra.

The Texas chupacabra has many teeth, a hairless back, large claws and loud growl. People who study the animal say this fits the description of a chupacabra.

Jackie Stock said her husband caught the animal while it was sitting in a tree on Sunday night.  She told local media, 'I said, "Bubba, that looks like a baby chupacabra."'

Alan Parma said "You know, I hunted coons 20 years with dogs and I ain't never seen anything that look like that right there." According to Parma, "Coon don't make that noise, or a possum, what makes that noise, I guess a chupacabra does, I don't know."

A reporter with KAVU News said "In Dewitt County, [Texas], most people are convinced this is the elusive chupacabra."

Wildlife Biologist Brent Ortego told the media that the chupacabra found in Texas is probably a dog or a coyote. He said "The animal in the cage as best I can tell from the view is some form of a small canine. It's never been proven to be a unique species, it was always something out there that allegedly [was said] to cause harm or threaten to cause harm to people or to livestock." 

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