PS4 Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Gilgamesh Appearance At E3 2014? [UPDATE] Square Enix Game Gets Storyline Suggestions

Kingdom Hearts 3 fans are buzzing over the possibility of Gilgamesh being a boss for the upcoming game's release date version on Reddit, Monitoring Crunch reports, leaving many fans wondering if Square Enix will consider incorporating the idea in the upcoming E3 2014 announcement.

Square Enix game producer Shinju Hashimoto revealed new information about the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3 release date announcement.

"We would like to keep it [Kingdom Hearts 3 release date] secret. It's just only a few months from now. I'm pretty sure you will be surprised," Hashimoto said, according to Gaming Bolt.

"Actually not only do we have June, but there will be many events from now on such as San Diego Comic-Con, Tokyo Game Show, and others."

Square Enix is rumored to make a Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix release date announcement at E3 2014, Escapist Magazine reports, bringing hope to fans awaiting the highly followed game.

Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix will likely be released in 2014, Monitoring Crunch reports, bringing hope to fans awaiting the highly-anticipated game's release date.

"While nothing has been confirmed by Square Enix, the Kingdom Hearts community believe that it will be this year. After all, the game developer didn't write off that possibility as unlikely. The fans went on a discussion thread and revealed their ideal date if Kingdom Hearts 2.5 comes this year," the website writes.

"Many fans agreed that the month of October or November will be the likeliest period where the game gets released. Of course, the fans would prefer it to be during summer as they wish to playthe during the school holidays."

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