One Direction Louis Tomlinson And Eleanor Calder Dating UPDATE: Girlfriend Joins Tour 2014 In Paris After Smoking Weed Video Controversy [PHOTOS]

One Direction's Louis Tomlinson and his girlfriend Eleanor Calder were spotted in Paris, confirming rumors that Eleanor has joined the One Direction tour 2014 to keep an eye on her boyfriend and keep him out of trouble following his smoking weed video controversy.

According to Sugarscape, Louis Tomlinson and his girlfriend Eleanor Calder were spotted touring Paris while the One Direction tour 2014 made a stop there to perform in France.

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Eleanor and Louis looked casual while roaming the cobbled streets, she in a pair of high-waisted skinny jeans, black T-shirt, and black Birkenstocks, he in a sleeveless tee. They each wore a pair of aviators.

While they haven't been spotted together in Amsterdam yet - where One Direction just performed - we're guessing her presence means that she's officially joined the tour to keep her boyfriend Louis out of trouble.

As we previously reported, according to The Sun, Calder joined the One Direction tour 2014 after the smoking weed video controversy.

"There will be sighs of relief all round at this news," the insider said in the report.

"Eleanor is a great influence on Louis, he's always just so much happier when she's around," the source explained. "They are joined at the hip whenever she comes on tour."

According to Heat magazine, Eleanor and Zayn Malik's fiance Perrie Edwards were "really worried. " The source continued: "They've been on the phone to each other a lot, asking what they can do to stop this behaviour."

The Daily Mail obtained the video of Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson in the back of a smoke-filled van in Peru, puffing on what the boys refer to as a "joint," shocking many of One Direction's younger fans. 

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