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  • Namaqualand: A Floral Wonder In The Middle Of The Desert

    Although located in the middle of the desert, Namaqualand’s spring flora bursts forth with a riot of colors that bewitches the eyes with images of dazzling brilliance.

  • The Meaning Of Life, Explained By A 6-Year-Old

    The words that come from the mouths of babes can be nothing short of incredible sometimes.

  • Surreal Places You Need To See To Believe

    Or places to see before you die. The point is - YOU have to see them!

  • Scottish Independence Referendum Explained

    Scotland has rejected independence but for non-Brits, it remains a confusing matter. So here's an animated explanation of some fundamental questions on the Scottish independence debate.

  • Korean Plastic Surgery Before And After Photos

    Before And After Photos Of Korean Plastic Surgery. What can you say about the transformation?

  • Yoo Inna Ranks Her Looks in YGFAMILY

    GD, Lee Hi, Goo HyeSun, Dara was mentioned :)

  • In The Pink In Kenya

    Kenya's Lake Bogoria attracts over a million pink flamingos every year.

  • The Cave Of Crystals In Mexico Could Be Superman's Home

    "There is no other place on the planet where the mineral world reveals itself in such beauty."

  • Scaling The Majestic Peaks Of Vatnajokull Glacier

    The size of Connecticut, Vatnajokull glacier in Iceland is Europe's largest ice cap.

  • Top 10 most haunted cities!

    See which 10 cities top the ranks among ghost hunters for high concentrations of hauntings. And read on to find out where and how you're most likely to have a run-in with the spirit world not only on Halloween but any time of the year.

  • Restaurant full of robots? Too much cool in here!

    A Japanese restaurant that specializes in Yakiniku barbecue in the heart of Bangkok targets high-tech and Sci-Fi enthusiasts. Clients are greeted, assisted, and served by robots. The futuristic diner is the first, and so far the only one of its kind in the world. The owner invested $1 million in the robots, all dressed up like samurai warriors. The non-human personnel does all the work: take orders, cook the meals, and serve the food. Of course, there are a few human staff to oversee the process. After serving the dishes, the robots become animators, dancing to modern music to entertain the customers. Service can be a little slow at times. After all, robots can get stressed and overcome with the work load, too.

  • Durian crepe! Yummy!

    An easy tutorial for a perfect durian crepe

  • Most expensive flowers!

    Even if most flowers are very affordable (maybe a few dollars for a bouquet), some people will go the extremes to lay hands on the rarest, most beautiful flowers the world has seen. If you are wondering what these are, here’s a list of the top ten most expensive flowers in the world.