San E Takes A Picture With JYP And 2PM Jun. K

Rapper San E took a picture with Park Jin Young and 2PM Jun. K.

San E posted a picture on his Instagram on August 11 with, "2014 JYP Nation one mic. I visited by former family. I can't help but feel that they got older and better. We can grow together despite being apart. We still care for each other. We were like one on stage. Thank you! Thank you JYP."

In the picture, San E was in a picture with JYP and Jun. K and holding beers. Their playful expressions and friendly poses stood out.

In response, people said, "It's good to see you're still close to the JYP family", "San E is so cool thinking like that", and "JYP and San E fighting!"

The JYP artists had their '2014 JYP Nation - One Mic' concert on August 9 and 10.

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San E
Park Jin Young
