Who Is The Winner Of The 'Half Moon Smile'? Tiffany VS Minah

This Thanksgiving was filled with a super moon. But in the music industry, there is always a half moon. There are stars who always put on half moons with their smiles.

The stars of the battle are Girls' Generation's Tiffany and Girl's Day's Minah, the happy viruses. They always put on bright smiles that bring smiles to those around them as well.

Tiffany? 'Bling bling' smile. The point of her smile is her eyes. They make the shape of a half moon and her dimples add onto it, melting away her fans.

Minah? She has a bright smile. She's always happy. Then there is the twist to her with the sexy body she has, and to top it off, great singing skills.

So who is the winner?

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Girls Generation
Girls Day
