Hip-Hop Artist Swings Uploads Controversial So-Called "ISIS" Execution Video

Hip-hop artist Swings uploaded a controversial video to social media that has many people upset.

A video started circulating Korea on September 9, showing the musician Swings and his friends playing around by a pool, imitating a death by firing squad. Due to two recent actions of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS, also known as IS) insurgents killing American journalists, the video caused much outrage.

The short, the twelve-second long video has been re-uploaded onto YouTube with the same title in both Korean and English: "MC Swings IS Firing Execution Parody."

It shows Swings, and two others that comments have identified as musicians Cjamm and Giriboy. The three are playing around, with Giriboy standing behind the other two as they heckle him. Giriboy then "shoots" the Swings and Cjamm in the head, using his fingers as a gun. They then fall into the pool, and float face down as if they were dead.

The United States, and many others around the world, were recently shocked by videos showing American journalists beheaded by ISIS terrorists, and this video came at a time when public, videotaped executions are not something to joke about.

The three seem to be having fun, and it is likely that the video was meant in jest and had no relation to the ISIS tapes, but Korean media is questioning the careless nature the three hip-hop artists have exhibited by sharing this video.

Some comments on YouTube express shock at the video, pointing out the similarity to the ISIS executions.  Other commenters are confused about the connection, and suggest that three were just fooling around beside a pool.

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