The Fappening Part 2 [Update]: Emma Watson Next Victim Of Celebrity Photo Leaks? New Goodwill Ambassador Threatened In Wake Of UN Speech

The list of celebrities impacted by the nude photo leaking scandal known as “The Fappening” seems never ending, and now it looks like Emma Watson might be the next victim. A 4chan user posted a threat to the actress on Monday that appeared to suggest that there are hacked photos of her, and they will be released in a matter of days. All of this is happening in the wake of Watson being named a UN Goodwill Ambassador, and delivering a speech on feminism to the counsel.

International Business Times reports that the 4chan post in question is titled “Emma Watson You Are Next,” and features a photo of the actress wiping away a tear along with a countdown clock set for four days from Monday. Below is a caption reading, “Never Forget, The Biggest To Come Thus Far.” While the post does not explicitly state that the user in question has nude photos of Watson, that seems to be the implication, as 4chan is the platform on which most of the “Fappening” photos have been initially released so far.

Given the deeply misogynistic spirit of the whole series of attacks, it may not be a coincidence that this user is specifically targeting Watson, an outspoken feminist. Over the weekend, the actress helped kick off the UN’s new HeForShe campaign, an initiative to encourage men to join the fight for gender-equality. In her impassioned speech, she spoke about common misconceptions surrounding feminism and why men have a stake in the issue too.

She began by saying, “I was appointed six months ago (to the ambassadorship), and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop.” She went on to explain, “I want men to take up this mantle. So their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice, but also so that their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human too – reclaim those parts of themselves they abandoned, and in doing so be a more true and complete version of themselves.”

Watson also spoke out against “The Fappening” after the first round of hacked photos was leaked – claiming such victims as Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton and many others. At the time, the actress bemoaned not just the violation itself, but also the response coming from much of the public. She took to Twitter, writing, “Even worse than seeing women’s privacy violated on social media is reading the accompanying comments that show such a lack of empathy.”

If whoever is making the current threat actually does have hacked photos of Watson, it remains to be seen if the 4chan will be able to prevent them from being posted. The site, along with Reddit have been deleting all such pictures a quickly as possible ever since the first wave of leaks, but they tend to keep popping up in new threads. The FBI is investigating, so it could be possible that this latest post will get them closer to busting the entire operation.  

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Emma Watson
The Fappening Part 2
Celebrity Photo Leaks
