Feel-Good Friday: Kids and Dogs Edition - 2PM Children's Charity & Roy Kim's Sweet Sancho

Amid all the scandals and controversies this week, a couple of stories stood out with their genuine acts of love.

2PM providing for and protecting children

First was the idol group 2PM which hosted a donation booth for children in need during their recent '2014' World Tour concert on October 3 and 4 in Seoul.

The group encouraged fans to "Go Crazy! Go Donate!" which of course led to an outpouring of clothes, canned food, toys, school supplies and other stuff that kids could use for daily learning or living. All the children's donations will be forwarded to charitable organizations nationwide.

2PM has previously supported another cause for children. In August 2009, 2PM collaborated with the brand Body Shop in a "Soft Hands, Kind Heart" worldwide campaign. It called for the protection of children and teenagers against sex trafficking, and the idol group went around the world as Korea's spokespeople for the campaign.

Roy Kim inspiring his new single to 14-year-old dog

The second feel-good highlight of the week came from singer Roy Kim who admitted in an Instagram post that his second album's title song "Home" was borne from his long friendship with his dog, Sancho.

He lovingly calls Sancho "my 14-year friend" and explains that the song was made from the point of view of his lovable canine companion.

"Whatever happens to me, this friend always waits for me at home in front of the door, which made me reenergized and happy," the singer said.

In his "Home" MV which showed a close-knit family protecting each other and eventually coming together for a warm meal after a tiring day, Roy Kim also arrived at his house to be greeted by his sweet Sancho. The message is that home can be anywhere where you are always welcomed, truly accepted and most loved - which is something worth remembering lest we take our loved ones for granted.

What were your feel-good moments this week in the world of K-Pop? Feel free to share below.

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