Rain's Endurance Test on 'R2B: Return to Base' Shocks Public!

A récent video clip of Rain's 9G pressure training has gained much attention online. To prepare for the movie, "R2B: Return to Base," the cast all had to go through endurance tests so that they would be ready for the acceleration force in high-speed jets. The G-Force test measures the force that a human is subjected to when accelerated. A normal person can usually withstand around 5G before losing their consciousness.

Rain shocked the cast and staff members as he reached the 6G mark on the pressure test. Co star Kim Sung Soo commented, "Once you pass the 6G mark, you are ready to board a jet. Passing the 6G test is enough, but Rain wanted to do the 9G test as well."

He continued, "What's crazy is that he passed the 9G test too. Only the top 1% of pilots can usually pass that. Rain however, completed the 6G and 9G in one day, which is the first time anyone has ever done that."

Rain's other co star, Yu Jun Sang completed the 6G test after fainting during the first 2 tries. The whole cast went through training periods from around 4 months to 1 year for the filming of this movie.

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