Huffington Post Provides "6 Odd Facts About Psy"

The internet newspaper, Huffington Post, released a very humurous article shedding light on PSY, the man behind the ongoing viral hit "Gangnam Style".

Before going to the "6 Odd Facts", Mallika Rao, the author behind the article, gives some small quick facts about Psy:

Given name: Park Jae-Sang
Number of brushes with the law: 2
You Tube Likes: More than any video ever
Blood type: O 

The 6 odd facts the Huffington Post released were:

  1. Psy is essentially a professional clown
  2. Psy grew up in Gangnam style
  3. Psy is sort of Amurican
  4. Crossdressing is on of Psy's "things"
  5. Psy is the next Bieber
  6. Psy gets secret acupuncture while on stage

Now, don't take the article very seriously, there's story behind the facts. Make sure you get to read the rest of this awesome article here!

The rest of the article expresses how big "Gangnam Style" has hit the world and what a hero Psy has become to the Korean music industry. There are also references to Psy's interview on the talk show "Healing Camp", which is also recommended for readers and followers of Psy to watch.

The article by Rao is a great piece to pay tribute to the Korean rap sensation. Make sure to read it!

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Gangnam Style
