Don Lemon Named One Of The Worst Journalists Of 2014 By The Columbia Journalism Review: CNN Anchor Criticized For Not Choosing His Words Wisely [PHOTO]

CNN anchor Don Lemon has been named among the worst journalists of 2014 by the Columbia Journalism Review blog Darts and Laurels. The Root reports that Lemon was the only named journalist, while other "award winners" publications and programs like "The Rolling Stone" and "Fox and Friends."

Lemon is famous for his wince-inducing moments - on March 20, he asked guests whether Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 could have been swallowed by a black hole, stating, "I know it's preposterous, but is it preposterous?" Furthermore, when an alleged Bill Cosby rape victim appeared on his show on November 18, he commented, "You know, there are ways not to perform oral sex if you didn't want to do it...Meaning the use of teeth, right?"

He is also known to compare raising a child to training a dog. On a September episode of CNN Tonight, CNN journalist Chris Cuomo was invited to discuss the efficacy of corporal punishment on children. Salon reports that Cuomo was able to cite decades of research from the Yale Behavioral Center proving that hitting children does not work.

However, Lemon replied, "I don't believe that... Listen, I went to training - I hate to do this - with my dog...and fear is the same thing...You have to teach who's in control ... It doesn't matter whether it's fear or what have you, I'm saying this, because it stops you from doing it."

Most recently, Lemon sparked outrage for a comment made while in Ferguson, Missouri. According to the Huffington Post, Lemon was on duty with Anderson Cooper, and was describing the scene from outside the Ferguson police station Monday night just moments after the announcement that police officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

He said, "Obviously, there is the smell of marijuana in the air." Twitter backlash was immediate, with comments such as "Did this man just report 'obviously there's a smell of marijuana?' How is that obvious to ppl watching on TV?" and "I'm smelling marijuana. I mean tear gas. Wolf [Blitzer], are you in a Hamas tunnel? Is George Zimmerman's attorney available to help?"

Congratulations, Mr. Lemon.

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Don Lemon
CNN Tonight
Columbia Journalism Review
Darts and Laurels
