TEEN TOP Niel to visit America?

The lead vocal of TEEN TOP recently revealed that he'll be visiting America for his next vacation!

On October 18 he tweeted, " How was my England travel journal? For my next vacation I'll go to America hahaha (Those who have yet to read it click click on the link below) https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=420&aid=0000000015"

Main vocal Niel took some time off in England and kept an online journal to document his trip.

He wrote, "Though I'd thought nobody would know me, from somewhere I heard a voice shouting, "Niel, Niel!" There were fans who knew who I was and asked me for my signature.  I was embarrassed because my hair was messy after the long flight ^^ In fact, while I was surprised that there were local fans in England who supported TEEN TOP, I also felt really great about it too. It was a moment which made me want to work even harder from here on out."

Fans are already anticipating Niel's future trip to America.

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