SHOCKING: Nation's little sister IU's loves raw cow liver

The 26th broadcast of KBS 'National talk show Hello' was an end of the year special for MCs' best friends.

IU, who made her appearance as MC Kim Tae Guen's best friend, expressed her worry about not being able to eat her favorite food. She stated that she wants to confidently eat raw cow liver but even her entertainment company doesn't want her to in order to maintain the nation's little sister image.

When MCs asked "How often do you eat it in a year", IU answered "I would like to eat it every day" and "but because it's a difficult food to come cross, I eat it 2 or 3 times a month", shocking the whole studio.

About the raw liver IU commented "I love the smell of the blood" and "it looks so good, and red", showing off her unusual love for liver.

Photo Credit: Hello

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