‘Pacific Rim 2’ Will Shoot In Toronto Says Director Guillermo Del Toro! Film Sequel Will Be Called ‘Maelstrom’

Some light has been shed regarding the location of "Pacific Rim 2" and director Guillermo Del Toro says it will happen on China. Also, new foreign characters are indeed making their debut as the director confirmed in previous interviews with Collider.

According to the director, there will also be Jaegers representing each country in the sequel.

"I find cultures so appealing," the director said. "There will be a Chinese robot, a Russian robot, and two Korean robots - there are simply lots of things we are designing right now. There's even a Mexican robot and it will be called Black Mariah!"

The director also noted that he only has four designers and his team and they design at his office. They design four to five times a day and even spend lunch breaks together.

With that said, fans can expect new actors of those aforementioned descents to star in the film.

"I'm hoping to bring the same idea I had in the first movie and that was to make it multicultural and humanistic as much as possible, to make characters from many nationalities or gender, to make them equal in the scope of the adventure, in the day-to-day of the adventure," said Del Toro.

The director also noted that they will begin shooting on November at Toronto, Canada.

Also, in a report by Global News, the "Pacific Rim" sequel will be entitled "Maelstrom."

The sequel will try to replicate the first film's success as it earned over $411 million worldwide with a $200 million budget.

Also, "Sons of Anarchy" star Charlie Hunnam, "Horrible Bosses" Charlie Day, and "47 Ronin" Rinko Kikuchi will be back to reprise their roles.

The film is slated for an Aug. 4, 2017 release date.

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