Girl's Day Fan Post Entitled 'K-Pop Saved My Life' Shoots To The Top Of Reddit's Most Popular Hallyu Forum

A confessional post from a Girl's Day fan to the largest Korean entertainment group (or "subreddit") on the interactive news website Reddit was met with an outpouring of support on Friday.

"K-pop saved my life," wrote Reddit user SojinxGSD.

"I know this sounds cheesy, but throughout the past few years I've fallen in and out of a deep depression and the one thing that keeps my attention nowadays is K-pop. Nothing else really seems to interest me anymore. But soon as I see a new music video pop up on YouTube, I get this amazing feeling of joy. It's the only time I ever get stoked for anything."

The candid admission also included the fan's deep desire to not feel alone in the role that South Korean pop music plays in her life.

"I know it's kind of lame, but I really hope I'm not the only one that feels this way," the post continued.

"Some days, when I get home from a really stressful day at work, I'll just throw on my favorite group Girl's Day's videos to cheer me up and it always works. It's something small, but great to me. Now I just need to make new friends into the same groups as me and I'll be one happy camper."

The overwhelmingly positive response from other K-pop fans came almost instantaneously.

A Reddit user going by the name YoloSwagginsTheThird was one of the first to respond.

"You're not alone. Everything you wrote down is exactly me, the only difference is instead of Girl's Day it's A Pink," wrote the K-pop fan.

"I also just graduated from college, moved out of state and left all my family and friends. It is kind of lonely, since I was never any good at making friends. All I do is work, come back home and listen to music, watch K-pop music videos. I have no idea where I'd be if it wasn't for K-pop, but it has definitely changed me for the better. Thanks for making this post as I also hoped that I wasn't the only one who felt this way."

The Reddit thread led to a candid discussion of how K-pop had helped them or their loved ones deal with clinical depression.

"I'm glad to hear how it has helped you, it has helped me too," wrote Block B fan COTAnerd. "I've had anxiety for years and K-pop helps keep me calm. My boyfriend suffers from depression and after I intervened his attempted suicide a few months ago, K-pop was the only thing that could get me to smile in the month afterwards. I hope K-pop continues to help you as it has me."

Of the more than 50 responses to SojinxGSD's initial post, the only disagreements among the Reddit users seemed to lie in which acts it was that helped pull them out of their deepest despair.

"This is so me! K-pop was definitely a major part of helping me overcome my depression; it helped me express myself and it helped me laugh and smile and it made me feel like I was a part of a huge supportive family," wrote Reddit user ilovekpop24, also a Block B fan. 

"K-pop fans just never want to see another one of theirs struggling to live or to be happy. That's also why I love going to KCON or concerts so much, I'm surrounded by my family and people who understand why you like what you like because more than likely they like it for the same reason. When I realized that about the K-pop fandom, I knew I would be in it for the long haul."

EXO fan (and apparent "Dr. Who" viewer) TheGirlInTheTardis, praised the K-pop subreddit contributors for their supportive responses.

"I have bipolar disorder and K-pop has helped drag me out of horrible depressive episodes," she wrote.

"You are so brave to open up like this and I'm proud of everyone else who chimed in with their own stories. This is truly a community when it wants to be. Shout out to SNSD and EXO for bringing me out of bed when I couldn't and making me want to dance again."

For Reddit user NinjaInSpandex, a fan of Girls' Generation and Wonder Girls, K-pop didn't just offer a relief from depression or anxiety; it completely changed everything.

"Throughout high school and going into college, I struggled with severe life-threatening depression. I did Taekwondo for 10 or 11 years, so I was familiar with some Korean culture, but I didn't start listening to K-pop until a few years ago," the comment read.

"I liked singing and wanted to sing those songs, so I also started learning Korean. Long story short, thanks to K-pop I've met the love of my life who inspires and motivates me girlfriend lives in Korea, but I just spent the summer with her and her family. It's hard at times, but we have our whole lives ahead of us. It was all a snowball effect from listening to K-pop."

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