Return Of Gallifrey Confirmed Alongside Extended 'Doctor Who' Season 9 Finale!

With the "Doctor Who" Season 9 finale only a few weeks away, new details have surfaced that promises a spectacle Whovians have not seen since "The End of Time."

According to Doctor Who TV, BBC has confirmed extended run times for both portions of the two-part Season 9 finale, titled "Heaven Sent" and "Hell Bent." Reportedly, "Heaven Sent" will premiere at 55 minutes, while "Hell Bent" will run 65 minutes.

"Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives," reads the synopsis for "Heaven Sent."

"One final test. And he must face it alone. Pursued by the fearsome creature known only as the Veil, he must attempt the impossible. If he makes it through, Gallifrey is waiting."

But the synopsis for the "Doctor Who" Season 9 finale reveals even more spoilers, including the long-awaited return of Gallifrey.

"If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his far might the Doctor go?" says the synopsis. "Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself. Who is the Hybrid? And what is the Doctor's confession?"

One prominent theory is that Clara is in fact the hybrid in question, given her interactions inside the Dalek during the Season 9 premiere.

"The finale is the fallout of Clara sort of becoming the Doctor," says Doctor Who Magazine. "You have no clue what the series arc is, or how Clara leaves."

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