Cyber Monday 2015 Video Game Deals: Where To Find The Best Price Slash And Bundles?

After Black Friday, there's another anticipated shopping date that many holiday breakers are looking forward to - Cyber Monday 2015. Here are some of the best deals and price cuts PS4 and Xbox One video games.

As reported by VG 24/7, gamers don't need to wait until Monday to get great video games to add in their collection. On Amazon alone, game deals will drop by the hour from Black Friday towards the weekend. On Nov. 28 at PST, "Need For Speed" sale for PS4 and Xbox One will drop at 8:55 AM. The "Gran Turismo 5" for PS4, meanwhile, will be on sale by 11:55 AM. "Assassin's Creed Rogue" for PC will have a deal by 3:55 PM.

They also listed which shops and sites to head on to for the best prices and deals for video games ahead of Cyber Monday 2015. Over at Best Buy, "Far Cry 4" will be sold for only $14.99. The HD Remastered Edition of "Final Fantasy XIX-2" will be on sale on Amazon for just $19.99. While the "Rock Band" Guitar Bundle will be available for only $97.49 at Amazon as Mad Max goes on sale at Target for $25.

In a report on USA Today, meanwhile, it was mentioned that Target will sell a 500 GB Xbox One "Gears of War" bundle for just $299.99. Aside from the $50 price slash, buyers will also be given a $60 gift card as a treat. A 32 GB Wii with games like "Super Smash Bros." and "Splatoon" can buy both at just $250 - an almost $50 price slash.

Aside from gaming console and video games fanatics, PC gamers should also take advantage of Cyber Monday 2015 and invest in units geared for gaming.  According to CNET, latest games like "Fallout 4" were reportedly still best played in a PC.

While some await for Monday to get the best deals, Time reminded shoppers that most deals after Black Friday often drop days ahead.  At Walmart, for instance, deals for the anticipated event will drop at 8 PM the night before. Toys R Us sales start at 9 AM on Sunday while LL Bean has sales prior to Thanksgiving and will last until the first day of December.

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Cyber Monday 2015 video game deals
xbox one
Toys "R" Us
ll bean
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