Reporter’s Selfie Captures Scary Baseball Photobomb, Kelly Nash Came Close To Getting Beaned

This reporter’s selfie was all over the web Monday when it featured a photobomb that’s one for the books. Kelly Nash posed for an Instagram pic and proved that taking such selfies could be hazardous to your health, reports the Bleacher Report.

Fox Sports Florida happened chanced upon an image that serves to remind many of us that the term “heads up!” is not only useful but could be lifesaving at times.

The instagram picture taken by reporter Kelly Nash clearly features a baseball photobomb and evidenced that she came very close to getting beaned while she was taking the picture.

Nash, who clearly escaped a sudden knock to the head, shared her experience with Fox Sports Florida, “I was taking a picture of myself in the seats above the Green Monster during Red Sox batting practice. Producer Art Dryce had called out ‘heads up!’ a few times while I was taking pictures around the left field section, but none of those balls actually fell close to me, so I took my chances turning my back on batting practice for a picture.”

She then showed what may have been her saving grace, saying, "Think the Angels in the Outfield saved me because I brought their DVD with me on the trip? #ThoughtSo" and posted the thought together with an Instagram image of the DVD.

Nash then shared a story, which showed the significance of the stadium where she took the much talked about selfie.

"My whole family is from Massachusetts, and I knew they would be so excited to see me working at Fenway Park, and when I went to text them the picture I noticed the baseball by my head!

I laughed pretty hard when I saw such a surreal picture that I had no idea I took. I thought, you have got to be kidding me, maybe there ARE really angels in the outfield. I actually brought the movie with me on the trip and had it in my bag at the game.

Art had picked up what we think was that ball and gave it to me after we saw in the photo how close it came to my head."

As advised by Bleacher Report, if you are going to take selfies during a batting practice, make sure it’s between batters. However, if you genuinely feel you need to take a selfie like Kelly Nash, make sure you have a copy of the movie handy featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Danny Glover and Tony Danza.

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