‘Half Life 3’ Release Date Rumors: ‘Half Life 3’ Will Not Use Virtual Reality Headsets; Steamdb Lists Half Life 3 On Upcoming Stream Titles; Half-Life 3 Confirmed?

'Half Life 3' Release Date Rumors: Valve has been trying to keep news about "Half Life 3" under wraps, but fans have been getting details where they can. SteamDB got hold of a new list of games possibly coming to Steam that includes the PS4 hit Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD and Half Life. 3.

SteamDB found evidence of gaming's greatest vaporware inside Valve's PC game sharing program, in the hl3.txt found in the DOTA 2 update.

"While this information comes straight from Valve and many of these kinds of leaks turned out to be real in the past," Stream DB wrote, "it is important to note that third-party Steam developers can create and name their own apps/packages, a noteworthy mention of developers doing this are these packages, in which they are trying to XSS Steam."

Valve has not announced any official news regarding to its development or possibly cancelation the long awaited game, "Half-Life 3."

WCCFtech wrote that "Half Life 3"might not support virtual reality (VR). Valve executive Ken Birdwell ended rumors that the Valve will announce "Half Life 3" to highlight the power of Steam's own headset.

"We're still in that mode of trying to figure out what we do with this. We have endless experiments, and they're neat things, but we still have to figure out how we put this into a narrative," Ken Birdwell said.

"How do we pull the player through this immersion? If players actually did all of the actions from Half-Life in VR, they'd be fatigued in five minutes. It doesn't mean we can't use that fiction; we just have to figure out a new way to approach it."

"Attending real-time concerts, learning history, reliving memories, We believe that virtual reality will totally transform the way that we interact with the world. Virtual reality will become a mainstream technology for the rest of the world," HTC's CEO Peter Chou cited examples of what to expect with Vive.

If "Half Life 3" will not use the virtual reality headsets, one of the spin-offs might.

Metro magazine wrote that new rumors emerged claiming Valve has Half-Life 3 fully planned out, but only 10 people are working on it right now.

Valve announced that the "Half Life 3" release date is around the corner earlier this year. Fans think Half Life 3 has been developed but is being shelved for other projects.

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