Jeff Kravitz FilmMagics: Valve's Mark Laidlaw Drops Out Of Game-Making; 'Half Life 3' Will Not Use Virtual Reality Headsets

'Half Life 3' Release Date Rumors: Marc Laidlaw, one of the most important people at Valve, announced he  has retired from game-making.

According to GameSpot, Laidlaw told a Reddit user that he has nothing else to offer for Half Life fans.

"I am no longer a full or part time Valve employee, no longer involved in day-to-day decisions or operations, no longer a spokesperson for the company, no longer privy to most types of confidential information, no longer working on Valve games in any capacity," Laidlaw write to a fan on Reddit.

"An outwardly obvious reason is that I'm old, or anyway oldish. My nickname when I first started at Valve in 1997 was 'old man Laidlaw'. The little baby level designer who gave me that that nickname is now older than I was then. I had a good run but lately I have been feeling a need for a break from the collaborative chaos of game production, and a return to more self-directed writing projects."

Laidlaw said he will return to writing in mediums other than games.

YouthHealthMag suggested that fans should forget about "Half Life 3" for the time being because latest rumors suggest that Valve is currently focusing on developing more multiplayer titles. Previous reports claimed Valve began production on "Half Life 3," but decided to stop. According to a statement by Valve Corporation, the game won't be in development anytime soon.

"I can't comment on Valve's internal process, but it sounds like someone is trolling," Crossmap quoted game writer Marc Laidlaw as saying.

"Half-Life is fully owned by Valve. It came into existence before my arrival. Where Valve may choose to take it in the future is not in my hands," says Laidlaw. 

"Since I no longer speak for Valve, it would be inappropriate of me to answer questions or speculate openly on the fate of the franchise." He said that he can only speak about the games he has worked on in the past, and not on anything Valve will work on in the future. "I have been a grateful co-creator, but my time working on the series is behind me."

If "Half Life 3" will not use the virtual reality headsets, one of the spin-offs might.

Metro magazine wrote that new rumors emerged claiming Valve has Half-Life 3 fully planned out, but only 10 people are working on it right now.

Valve announced that the "Half Life 3" release date is around the corner earlier this year. Fans think Half Life 3 has been developed but is being shelved for other projects.

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Jeff Kravitz FilmMagic
