‘Heroes Of The Storm’ Patch: Draft Lobbies To Include Hero Bans

The upcoming "Heroes of the Storm" patch will include major changes in the draft lobbies. Blizzard posted on its website that they will be implementing the most requested feature in the brief history of the game and that feature is the Hero Bans.

One of the few major changes in the "Heroes of the Storm" draft lobbies will be the draft interface. The patch will include the match's battleground to be more obvious as the current draft interface does not noticeably show which battleground players will be playing on.

Upon entering the new draft lobby, a full screen battleground art will be presented right away, along with a welcome message, and the battleground's name being announced. All of these will happen right before the hero picks begin.

The "Heroes of the Storm" draft lobby has also been given a new look which includes the new background art, the hero models and portraits that are being animated, the selection animations that are updated, and players can also use multiple ways in finding and selecting heroes quickly in the draft phase.

In order to quickly find and select heroes during the draft phase, a player will be able to add eight of his favorite heroes and add it to the selection of the newly added row of favorites that will be located near the bottom of the screen. Players will be able to customize which heroes will be in the favorites from the Hero Collection tab in the Player Profile.

The need for bans in "Heroes of the Storm" is being talked about a lot more within the community and Blizzard agrees with this too! The ranked play will use the Mid Ban which is the same hero banning method that is being used in official tournaments. There will be two banning phases: First round of bans is just before the start of the hero picks, and the second round of bans will be after three hero pick rounds.

The team which will receive first ban is decided through the winner of the coin toss. The player with the highest MMR on each team will be given the privilege to issue bans in ranked games and it will be apparent by a crown icon over the player's hero portrait.

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Heroes of the Storm
