Running Man Producers Making Apology to Member by Punishing Themselves Publicly

There are seem quite a lot of controversies going on with Running Man. Beginning the kick out of Kim Jung Kook and Song Ji hyo without previous talk and also about casting Kang Ho Dong. The talk continues when Ho Dong refused to be in the show because of the unfair treatment to the members. The show then has to be disbanded soon.

Regarding the controversies, is the fault of the producers to not show maturity about their decision. It is really a sad thing to happen to a show that has been running for 7 years. For the issue, the producers took a decision to apologize in public on the episode of Running Man.

According to report from koreaboo, the producers would fulfill any request of punishment Running Man Members had. The episode of the Running Man for the recent episode started with Song Ji Hyo being showered with water cannon. Then it followed by the producers getting showered too. But before that, they made an apology that they didn't do well and couldn't protect the members of Running Man.

It was a rare scene to see when producers make appearance on the show. You could see that they were so desperate to show people that they wanted to do better in the future. According to report from soompi, Running Man staff had stated apology to the members at the episode of Christmas special. They said that they sincerely apologized and would work harder in New Year.

It seems that the staff and the producers kept on trying to apologize to Running Man members and public about their mistake in the past. It was such a big thing to apologize to members and public at the episode on TV. But as you can see they tried to make up for their mistake.

Whether public or the members accept the apology, it is still leave public in upset because of the disband of the show. People might miss the members a lot in the future and will not be able to see their hard work again doing the mission in the show. Yet, it has been decided and hope people will move on or the producers can start giving a new interesting show again to the fans.

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Running Man producers
punish themself
apologize to members
Song Ji Hyo
