Vampyr Theatre Writer's Play 'Everybody ODs' Gets Revived

The Collective, a new theatre company in New Bedford, Massachusetts, will revive the play Everybody ODs by Tony Sokol, the writer of La Commedia del Sangue: Vampyr Theatre and former senior writer at KpopStarz, according to Live and Undead magazine. The play will be part of multi genre performance troupe's Spring Cleaning: Airing Out 4 Short Plays will run at Gallery X on 169 William Street in downtown New Bedford on March 10th and 11th. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

The Collective "put a call out to playwrights to submit their work and had an amazing turn out. They picked four of their favorite shows along with a variety of other performances."

The four plays are Bar Belle, written by Janis Butler Holm and directed by Audrey Maigret; Psychiatry Outlet, written by James Thibeault and directed by Joanna Tomasz; Everybody ODs, written by Tony Sokol and directed by Kevin Mitchell and Forward Flash, written by Ray Arsenault and directed by Katie Gregory.

"In Everybody ODs, a couple goes out for drinks with one half of a couple, they are old friends," Sokol told AEA magazine. "After drinking for a while and waiting for Fran's husband Bill to show up after work, it comes out that Fran wasn't joking when she said she killed her computer programming husband because she was bored."

The playwright said he wrote the play "for inclusion in the ten-minute play festival at the Actors Theatre of Louisville in Kentucky. It won honorable mention." It was first performed "at a restaurant on 14th Street that had been converted into a theatre for midnight shows" along with the plays How to Skip Alimony Through Voluntary Manslaughter, Dinner With Socrates and "screenplay for Hung Up, a short film I wrote and shot but which never got to post-production," according to the interview with AEA.

Sokol also revealed that he will "be doing a radio program with Marie Bargas called Magick Lab Academy on Spiritualists Online Radio Programming, which will run weekly on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. Eastern Time. Magick Lab Academy will take the mystery out of Mystery Schools. We make it ok to believe in nothing and still do magic."

 "The Collective did 11 shows last year and project 10 for this year," said Executive Producer Joanna Tomasz. "We provide multiple genres of art in each evening's show, you will see some theater and maybe see a band or musician, a stand-up comedian, a poet, etc."

"We do 24 hour theater project concepts (where the plays are conceived written, cast directed and performed all within 24hours) 10 minute play festivals, one act festivals, full lengths, community events and look to always bring in new artists to our organization."

"Each season we contribute to a charitable cause in our area," Tomasz continued. "Last year it was LGBTQ (we produced God Sees Dog) and this year it will be the Women's Shelter (our one act festival will be plays by women for women).  We are working toward starting classes for young adults."

Spring Cleaning: Airing Out 4 Short Plays will run at Gallery X on March 10th and 11th. The doors will be opening 7:30. This is a BYOB event.   

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