Korea's Most Outrageous Beauty Trend Curently

Korean makeup and beauty trends have also been forward-thinking and unique but now and again there have been some questionable trends out there that simply have us all going 'Huh?' 

The most recent Korean beauty hack is called 'Jamsu' or 'Skin Diving,' where, after applying your concealer and a load of baby powder as a setting powder, the user submerges their head into a bowl of ice cold water for 30 seconds.

The result? After submerging your full face of makeup, it will come out perfectly set and dewy! The process is not only refreshing (and a real wake up call), it also leaves your makeup perfectly in place without drying it out with more setting powders or sprays.

Various YouTubers have already taken on the trend claiming it to be useful and fun! Is it the perfect method to set your makeup? Who knows - but it seems worth trying! Let's call it 2017's revamped ice-bucket challenge! What do you think of this unique and hilarious Korean makeup trend?

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