Why Did Wanna One Change Their Choreography Recently?

Recently, Wanna One has incorporated a change into their choreography and surprised fans during their current performances for "Energetic." But why the sudden switch?

Turns out member Kang Daniel has recently injured and sprained his finger, which left him incapable of performing certain movements during their live stages. Their choreographer revealed that it happened during dance practice. A staff member also left a statement about his injury.

"Kang Daniel has sprained his finger and we have put it in a half cast as a measure of protection. It isn't severe but we are trying not to put stress on it. They have a move in their choreography where they have to support themselves on their hand so he will have trouble performing this. Kang Daniel insists he is okay but the company and the other members have decided not to put him under stress. Thus we have decided to fix our choreo a little bit for Show Music Core."

Although the injury isn't too serious, the doctors recommended he rest for at least a week and restrain from any rigorous movement. Reportedly, he even had pains during his time as a participant on 'Produce IOI Season 2.' Be careful, Kang Daniel!

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Wanna One
Kang Daniel
