SHINee's Minho Wanted to Settle Down and Start A Family Soon

SHINee's Minho and Taemin joined a past broadcast of Moon Hee Jun's radio broadcast. They have shared their future plans in the show.

They were asked regarding their plans when they get into their 30s. Minho answered and said that he wanted to start his own family in the 30s.

"In my 30s, I'd like to continue our team promotions like now and do some acting, personally. I'd also like to start a family of my own before entering my 40s", said Minho

Moon Hee thought that the idea to get married was a little too early for him, but Minho said he really planned to get married quickly.

Currently, Minho's Korean age is 29 years old, this means he has only a year to get married and really settle down.

While Taemin's response to the same question was completely different. He wanted to enjoy life more in his 30s.

Taemin said, "In my 30's, I want to do more things I want to do. What I mean is, in the big picture, I became a singer because that was my dream but I've come this far with this busy schedule for the past 10 years, but in my 30's I'd like to make more hobbies and experience more things that I haven't done before and enjoy myself in my 30's a little more."

Minho and Taemin have been working in the K-Pop industry for 10 years now. Both of them are almost 30 years old due to their young debut age.

Fans only wanted happiness for Minho and Taemin, as they are working extremely hard. Fans are rooting for their success in career and their dreams to come true in their 30s.

Some idols want to get married to the one they love when they reach the right age. While some like to achieve their dream and become successful in their chosen careers. Do what makes you happy. You cannot control what other people say. Only you can control your own life.

Having a family is important because you need someone to look after you when you get old. Having kids bring so much happiness too because they are blessings in our lives. Fame will not last forever, but your family will stay with you and will love you for a very long time. When you get sick and you cannot work, your loved ones will be there to take care of you. But your job can replace you if you cannot work properly. Learn to value your family and think about your priorities in life. 

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