Wonder Girls' Hyerim and Long-time Boyfriend Are Getting Married Soon

(Photo : Instagram)
Wonder Girl's Hyerim and Boyfriend of 7 Years Getting Married Soon

Atlast, another KPOP star will be tying the knot after 7 longs years of dating. The Wonder Girls member Yerim is getting married with her Taekwondo athlete boyfriend.

Not long ago, Hyerim of Wonder Girls surprised the KPOP netizens after revealing that she has been secretly dating Shin Min-chul, a Taekwondo athlete. According to the news, the said wedding will be held on the 5th of July this year. Hyerim and Shin Min-chul recently became guests of MBC Entertainment's show, "Don't Be Jealous" where they shared their sweetness as a couple.

(Photo : Instagram)
Wonder Girl's Hyerim and Boyfriend of 7 Years Getting Married Soon

It is been said that both decided to settle down after a long period of sharing their love for each other. "It is true that the two decided to get married in July," according to Le Entertainment, Hyerim's current label. As added, the details are still under discussion.

Hyerim and Shin Min-chul met in 2013 as revealed by the couple. She will be the second Wonder Girls memebr who will be officially called Mrs. Sun-ye of the same girl group got married in 2013 and now a mother of three. Fans will surely get excited that the girls are starting to build their own families one by one.

(Photo : Instagram)
Wonder Girl's Hyerim and Boyfriend of 7 Years Getting Married Soon

It became a huge buzz online when Hyerim and Shin draw attention after sharing their true status on public and have told the audience how they have become along the 7 years of secretly being together. Even their colleagues were stunned that they were able to keep their relationship behind the eyes of the mob. The said details of the wedding preparation will be shared on the said reality show.

The two shared that Hyerim's father became an instrument for the two to meet as her dad was a former taekwondo fighter who mentored Shin. The two met on a certain event gathering and became attracted with each other; or both felt the "love-at-first-sight" syndrome. Shin recalled how he admired the beautiful kpop idol sitting in front of her. Then and there, he could not resist not to pursue her.

(Photo : Instagram)
Wonder Girl's Hyerim and Boyfriend of 7 Years Getting Married Soon

Hyerim joined Wonder Girls in 2010 when they were promoting "2 Different Tears" and shared the second heyday of Wonder Girls. It added a new color to the Wonder Girls with its unique voice. After disbanding the Wonder Girls in 2017, she devoted herself to her studies along with her personal activities.

Hyerim is turning 27 on September has been busy with her major in Interpretation in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies since 2017. She was given an honorific recognition from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for her video on safety in travelling overseas and also helped in translating from English to Korea, the famous work of Anne Frank, "The Diary of a Young Girl."

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