Here’s How Your Favourite Idols Stay Protected From The Sun During Long Shoots

(Photo : Naver)

If there's one thing skin experts, beauticians, makeup artists and dermatologists swear by, it is sunscreen. Sunscreen is important because it protects the skin from harmful UV rays, reduces the risk of skin cancers by half, prevents sunburn and premature aging of skin, discoloration, breakdown of collagen, sagging, wrinkles and helps maintain even skin tone.

The sunlight that reaches us comprises two types of harmful rays: long waves (UVA) and short waves (UVB). UVA rays cause photoaging of the skin, whereas UVB causes sunburn. As a result, sun protection is vital. There are tens of thousands of sunscreen variants and brands out there. However, with so many options out there, which one should you choose? Well, your favorite idols opt for coconut oil.

According to Harvard Health, There are two types of sunscreens: Physical blockers reflect ultraviolet rays from the sun and contain one of two active ingredients, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Chemical blockers contain chemicals that absorb the sun's ultraviolet rays. In the United States, these typically include aminobenzoic acid, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, and oxybenzone.

Oxybenzone has received the worst press because of concerns that it may act as what is known as a hormone disrupter. A hormone disruptor is a chemical that can cross cell membranes and may interfere with your body's natural hormone production. It's also true that sunscreen blocks ultraviolet B rays, shortwave rays from the sun that are important for generating vitamin D in the skin. This puts one at the risk of Vitamin D deficiency.

Instead of chemical and commercial sunscreens, therefore, one should opt for coconut oil. More specifically, the kind you should use is extra virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial properties that prevent germs from coming in direct contact with the skin. The toxins can have harmful reactions when exposed to the Sun's UV rays, which coconut oil can prevent.

In his book, the Coconut Oil Miracle, Dr. Bruce Fife says, "The first commercial suntan and sunscreen lotions contained coconut oil as their primary ingredient. Even today, many sunscreen lotions include coconut oil in their formulas. Coconut oil has an amazing ability to heal the skin and block the damaging effects of UV radiation from the sun. One of the reasons why it is so effective in protecting the skin is its antioxidant properties, which helps prevent burning and oxidative damage that promotes skin cancer."

To reap all the benefits of coconut oil as a sunscreen, however, one needs to keep their diet free of unnecessary fats and oils. Only then will their skin glow from within and without. Coconut oil can also be used as moisturizers and incorporated in one's food, mixed with cooking oil or vegetable oil.

Idols spend long hours doing outdoor shoots for variety shows, music videos, or open-air performances. As such, they must be able to protect their skin as much as possible. While they cannot avoid exposure to the sun, they can protect themselves by using natural sunscreen such as coconut oil.

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