City vs Suburbs: Why People Prefer the 'Burbs Over City Living

(Photo : pixabay)

Ah, city life. You can wake up in the morning and walk to your job and have your pick of ten different Starbucks you could stop at on the way. You're surrounded by a diverse population and can always experience new cultures. You may even have a thriving social calendar because there's always something to do! 

If you're someone one who always has to be on the go, city life may be the perfect place for you. However, city living can be exhausting. Not only that, but COVID has shown us how infectious crowded places can be! 

Homelight's Q3 2020 survey revealed that 32% of participating real estate agents have clients who want to live in a suburban neighborhood because it's nowhere near as crowded as a city. But, this isn't the only reason people prefer the suburbs. Let's take a look at the other factors that make suburban life so desirable. 

1. Quality of life

Although city life may be appealing to those who love to be in the thick of things, it can be a bit much. Suburban life gives you the best of both worlds. You're far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but you still have access to those amenities just a short drive away. Also, suburban life is much quieter than if you lived in the city.

2. Community

If you're living in the city, how well do you know the people in your neighborhood? We're guessing not too well because there are just so many people! In suburban neighborhoods, it's a lot easier to get to know your neighbors. Not only can you get to know them but you can trust that they'll keep an eye out on your home if you're away on vacation. 

3. More space

Living in the city is cramped, there's no if's and's or but's about it. Folks that are tired of having little to no outdoor space, cramped living spaces and no privacy are packing up and moving to the burbs. Buying a house in a suburban neighborhood means you're going to have more square footage inside the house and more space outside to entertain, exercise and relax. 

4. Lower crime rates

A benefit of living in a close knit community is that the crime rate isn't as high as it is in the city. This comes from living in a neighborhood where everyone knows each other (or at the very least notices when things aren't right). Not only are people more observant, but residents just feel safer because fewer people = less crime.

5. Better education system

Suburban families are more likely to have access to highly rated school districts than those in the big city or even in rural communities. The suburban schools have fewer students in each classroom, which makes it easier for students to get one on one help. On top of this, it's easier for students to make friends both in school and in the neighborhood. And, if the kids can make friends, so can you! 

We may think that living in the big city is the epitome of being "successful," city living isn't for everyone. It's true that living in suburbia gives you the perks of living in the city, such as being close to work, shops and entertainment; but you also get the perks of living in a rural community, like having peace and quiet, a close-knit neighborhood where everyone looks out for one another. 

If you're looking for a change of pace, consider moving to the suburbs. It's quieter, more affordable, and a whole lot more relaxing!

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