Pokemon X And Y CoroCoro Scans: Mega Evolution, New Gym Leader Unveiled!

Pokemon X and Y has seen another major CoroCoro update, with this month's scans showcasing a new gym leader, as well as a new form of evolution: Mega evolution.

According to CoroCoro translations provided by Pokejungle, mega evolution provides Pokemon with "supercharged" versions of the previous form.

Reportedly, these are not synonymous with the traditional evolution process or forms. The theory is that Mega Evolution will occur through a held item that could be unique to each Pokemon that has the Mega Evolution potential.

So far, Pokemon X and Y has unveiled Blaziken, Lucario, Ampharos, Mawile, Mewtwo, and Absol to have the ability for Mega Evolution. This form can only be used during battle.

It is not known currently if only a select few in Pokemon X and Y have the ability for Mega Evolution, or if this is accessible for all the Pokemon.

In addition, the CoroCoro scans also reportedly indicate that a particular gym leader named Coruni (Japanese name, no doubt), has the answers to unraveling the Mega Evolution process.

So, finally there is an answer to Mewtwo's new form, and it is definitely a surprise!

In addition, three new Pokemon X and Y Pokemon have been introduced!

These Pokemon include Meekuru, a Grass-Type that is the prevolution of Gogoat. Horubii, a Normal-Type rabbit Pokemon. And, Dedenne, who is an Electric/Fairy-Type Pokemon that is an "antennae" Pokemon.

No doubt, this is a lot of new information regarding Pokemon X and Y. And as translations continue to roll in for the scans, no doubt CoroCoro holds even more tidbits.

For more scans of this month's CoroCoro, click here.

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