Pokemon X And Y Super Training: Regimens, Core Training, Effort-O-Meter And Base Stats Explained

Pokemon X and Y is just around the corner, and more explanations have come in regarding the super training element that is being introduced in this generation.

Here is a basic rundown of Pokemon X and Y's super training concept.

On top of battling, Pokemon X and Y offer super training as an alternative method to grow your Pokemon. Super training can be accessed whenever you are not in battle or viewing an event through the Player Search System (PSS) or Pokemon-Amie.

In order to train your Pokemon, super training includes regimens which will strengthen different aspects of your Pokemon. One such regimen that has been introduced is the Geodude Balloon regimen, which is a soccer-type mini-game.

As you complete super training regimens with your Pokemon, they receive training bags, which are used in Core Training to boost Pokemon growth.

"With Super Training, it's not your Pokémon's level that goes up but its base stats, the underlying values that define your Pokémon's skills in battle," states the official Pokemon X and Y website.

"As these base stats increase, your Pokémon can increase its HP, Attack, or other stats beyond those of another Pokémon of the same species at the same level. These base stats could be increased using items and other methods in previous Pokémon titles, but in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, you'll be able to raise them far more easily than ever before, thanks to Super Training. This will lay the groundwork for more Pokémon Trainers to aim for the very top!"

So essentially, the higher the base stat, the more your points your Pokemon will gain, as they level up. Having a really high Defense base stat, for example, means leveling up will gain the Pokemon +4 defense points rather than just +1.

In Super Training, the Effort-o-Meter is used as a graph that captures the base stat of a Pokemon. It shows the progress of a Pokemon's base stats, which include HP, Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed.

So there you have it!

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