Seo In Guk Cleans His House to Relieve His Mom's Stress

Actor and singer Seo In Guk spoke about how his house has recently changed.

Seo In Guk's house was revealed on the MBC TV program, "I Live Alone". It showed that the house was completely dirty and unlivable.

When asked about the house and his appearance on "I Live Alone" on Naver's special program "Line Star Chatting", he said that although the house is not perfectly clean, it is in a much better state that it was when it was first featured on TV.

He stated that his mom was extremely stressed about his house's condition, so he began to clean up his home to relieve his mother of that stress.

Seo In Guk acts alongside Girls' Generation star Yuri and actor Lee Jong Suk in the upcoming movie "No Breathing". "No Breathing" is about two boys who compete for the top national swimming record while simultaneously chasing their love interest.

Photo credit: Naver Line Star Chatting Screen Cap

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Seo In Guk
i live alone
Girls Generation
Lee Jong Suk
No Breathing
