Kpop Star Sunye of the Wonder Girls Chooses Home Birth Delivery; Did She See Jennifer Lopez in `Backup Plan’? (Video)

Sunye delivered her baby with home birth. Was she expecting a Hollywood comedy?

Kpop star Sunye of the girl group Wonder Girls and her husband James Pak welcomed their daughter on October 17. Sunye didn’t deliver the baby in the maternity ward. The Korean pop star took a tip from Hollywood and chose a home birth over a hospital. I wonder (girls) if Sunye saw the Jennifer Lopez, Melissa McCarthy movie “Backup Plan.”

Now, I’m not saying that Sunye had her baby in a kiddy pool, that’s just Hollywood silliness at play, but Hollywood cinema is world cinema and is very influential globally. If home birth is good enough for Holllywood stars like Pamela Anderson, Meryl Streep, Demi Moore, Julianne Moore, Jennifer Connelly, Cindy Crawford, Gisele Bundchen, Evangeline Lilly, Alyson Hannigan, and Alanis Morissette, celebrities from all over the world must see it as more natural.

Sun Ye of Wonder Girls took to Twitter to tell the world of the magic of home birth, "With the prayers of many people, I was able to give birth to a beautiful daughter within eight hours through home birth. I'm very, very thankful for all the congratulations presents for her birth. I will raise her healthily!"

Kpop star Sunye, the first member of Wonder Girls to get married and the first Wonder Girl to have a baby, is off to a great and healthy start.

Because it could have gone like this:

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world news
Wonder Girls
Home Birth
Jennifer Lopez
