Pokemon X And Y Glitch [UPDATE]: Wonder Trade Hacked Pokemon And Receiving 'Bad Eggs,' Game-Breaking Glitch Plagues Community

Pokemon X and Y have been released, and a particularly damaging glitch is currently infecting the Pokemon community through Wonder Trade.

For those who do not know, Wonder Trade is a new feature of Pokemon X and Y, where you can select a Pokemon to trade with a completely random player, and you have no guarantee on what Pokemon you will receive in return. In Wonder Trade, you do not know what Pokemon you will receive until the trade is in progress. It's a fun and adventurous way to update your Pokedex.

However, due to the game hacking that has occurred with Pokemon X and Y, some hackers are trading the "hacked" Pokemon, which leads to a game-breaking glitch that is irreversible.

"Due to people trying to Wonder Trade off hacked Pokemon they will appear as 'Bad Eggs.' They cannot be traded or released, and they will multiply until it fills all of your boxes," says a warning post in Bulbagarden.

"This will also delete any of your Pokemon that are stored in your boxes as it will replace them with bad eggs. Trade at your own risk!"

The trend of hacking Pokemon X and Y can be seen in the recent ROM hacker who has uncovered a variety of hidden Pokemon within the games, including the Latias, Latios Mega Evolution, and potential legendary Pokemon.

But the downside is particularly damaging, especially if hackers are using Wonder Trade and infecting other players.

"Dunno why people thought trading hacked Pokemon was a good idea unless they are deliberately attempting to harm people's games," writes TalesOtaku21 on Pokejungle.

"Nintendo can't fix it either, which is ridiculous, because the people who get bad eggs that break your game from other people are completely innocent yet get screwed."

"This is scary!" adds punchesMalone.

So for those who are using and loving Wonder Trade, beware of this dangerous trend!

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