Crayon Pop Shares About Their Helmet History

The girls of Crayon Pop take their fans in a tour on how they started their helmet concept. Its not always about jumping they say.
During their latest filming of QTV's 'Handsome Boy Communication', the girls shared about their thoughts about their 'Bar Bar Bar' concept and other songs.

The girls explained, "Our agency is a new business, and it was our CEO's first experience in the entertainment world. We prepared our concept specifically to set us apart. With our 1st album, there wasn't much different from us and other girl groups."

Crayon Pop also shared how they came up with their helmet concepts saying "In the end, we wore training gear and helmets. To be honest, when people stared at us strangely or when we went to broadcast stations, we were embarrassed. It was an idea that ChoA came up with. At first, the CEO was doubtful, but then we went to buy helmets. We tried out motorcycle helmets first before our current scooter helmets."

This is where the helmet of Crayon Pop's started!

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Crayon Pop
Handsome Boy Communication
Bar Bar Bar
