Super Bowl 2014 Rigged? NFL Investigation Reports Are A Hoax! Satire Article Sparks Media Frenzy

The Super Bowl 2014 has concluded, with the Seattle Seahawks as the runaway winner. The event, including the halftime show, went on without controversy. Not even a defeated Peyton Manning had any gripes.

Not so fast. A report has insinuated that the Super Bowl was rigged. According to that report the coffee-ingested citizens of Seattle, desperate for some sports triumph (their Seattle Supersonics were 'stolen' by Oklahoma City, among other things) paid the Broncos to lose! The outlandish report from

"After The Seattle Seahawks victory over the Denver Broncos at the NFL's 48th Super Bowlwith a final score of 43-8, NFL officials have just discovered that the game was most likely rigged. NFL officials have just found clues that might prove the game was rigged. Officials believe the Broncos intentionally lost the championship in exchange for a large amount of money.

Super Bowl referee Terry McAulay told reporters he sensed something strange when he overhead Broncos Quarterback Peyton Manning allegedly asking Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll "When are you going to pay up?". McAulay immediately became suspicious and notified other officials and that's when it all started. The NFL is currently investigating the situation and looking for evidence to prove the game was rigged. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell told reporters 'This is like that Chicago White Sox scandal back in 1919, I can't believe this, they ruined the sport, I just can't believe it.'

However, NFL officials do not think every player on both teams were in on the deal, but only certain players in both team, If evidence is found that the game was rigged, those players will be heavily fined and suspended for a very long period of time if not banned from playing professional Football for the rest of their lives."

Apparently, a lot of people, some of them sports bloggers, shared or retweeted the report without any disclaimer or warning. Perhaps most of them did not identify as a site similar to The Onion-with hilarious fake news reports that should not by any means be taken seriously. has a site description all the way down if one bothers to scroll (not a common habit). It reads: " is a combination of real shocking news and satire news to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief."

Did disappointed Broncos fans spread the message since that was what they wanted to hear, or were they also duped by the site? We will never know, but for, they got the exposure that they wanted. The article was even featured on popular debunking site,

A visit to, the official site of the NFL shows no hint of any investigation or controversy.

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