Legend Of Korra Book 3 Finale Completed: Will Premiere Release Date Follow During Comic-Con 2014?

As "The Legend of Korra" Book 3 continues to elude fans, the production team is keeping us updated on the progress until an official release date is announced.

Recently, composer Jeremy Zuckerman took to Twitter to confirm that he is working on "The Legend of Korra" Book 3 finale.

Given the typical production schedule, this means the music for "The Legend of Korra" Book 3 could be completed as early as the first week of June.

Sadly, this doesn't give any indication as to when Nickelodeon will announce a release date for Book 3.

Earlier in the month, some predicted that we might see "The Legend of Korra" as early as June, but this is seeming less and less likely, given that Korra Nation is still dormant.

It would also seem unlikely, given that most likely Nickelodeon wants to use San Diego Comic-Con 2014 to promote the show. Given that the event will not occur until July 24, it's unlikely we'll receive any updates on a release date before then.

Never the less, it is encouraging to know that "The Legend of Korra" production is nearing completion, so they can be ready for broadcast at any moment.

"This are great news. Well seems like August/July will come to be the ones, still around the corner, just a bit more of patience will be needed," wrote Legama on Avatar the Legend of Korra Online.

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