Lee Hyori Shows The Dinner She Prepared, 'I Respect All Housewives'

On June 11, Lee Hyori posted pictures of her cooking and enjoying her marriage in Jeju Island.

On her blog she said, "Everyday I have to think about what I will cook for the day. I miss my mom."

Lee Hyori wrote about her mistakes during cooking such as burning the fish and vegetables as well as not cooking the rice all the way and using the wrong kind of tofu for her bean paste soup. She said she recovered with the side dishes from her mother-in-law and that she respects all housewives of the world.

Before this post, Lee Hyori also wrote about her complex about her short legs but now is positively taking it in.

She said, "I had short legs since I was going to school. I always envied long skinny legs of other celebrities. I felt like I could do anything with better legs. I wanted to wear jeans and low shoes, but minded too much of others' thoughts. People told me I had a pretty waist and face, but those words did not help me. I wanted it all."

In addition, she posted a picture of a cat saying, "Tsk tsk you are lucky to have those legs. You can run anywhere and dance anything with it. You should be lucky to be healthy; you shouldn't waste your time. Look at me, I have short legs but I have no problems living."

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