Jessa Duggar Floods Instagram With Wedding Pictures, Baby To Follow Before TLC Special?

Jessa Duggar just flooded her Instagram with wedding pictures. To celebrate the wedding anniversary, Ben Seewald's wife went crazy with releasing all sorts of never-seen-before wedding pictures, videos and more.

Maybe baby is to follow this celebratory Instagram bombard!

The to-be mother wrote on her Instagram, "To the man of my dreams: Baby, you are my best friend and the Love of my life! I'm so thankful to God for bringing us together! This past year with you has been the best yet-- I'm sure only to be outdone by the next!"

Her husband must feel like the luckiest man on earth.

With all these wedding pictures on Instagram, Jessa Duggar is surely finding ways to promote her new TLC show "Jill and Jessa Counting On". But the fans are wondering when her baby will arrive!

According Entertainment Tonight, "Do you think her baby looks more like mom or dad? The former 19 Kids and Counting star posted an ultrasound photo of her bundle of joy alongside baby pics of her and husband Ben Seewald to share her excitement for the family's new arrival."

Jessa and Ben have been hinting that they will be expecting their first baby around their wedding anniversary date so it's a little odd that they haven't hinted at any baby news yet.

Seeing how Jill Duggar's baby Israel was also late, this may also be the case for Jessa.

Jessa Duggar is closing in on her pregnancy due date and she is keeping her fans guessing on whether it'll be a boy or girl. The fact that she has less than three weeks left means that her husband Ben Seewald is running around like a headless chicken to prepare the house for the little one's arrival.

And the fans will see their first baby on new TLC show "Jill and Jessa Counting On" after the pregnancy due date! With "Jill and Jessa Counting On" premiering on TLC soon, the new moms and dads will be showcased to the world again!

Jessa Duggar
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