'Nanatsu No Taizai' Chapter 150 Spoilers: Escanor A Member Of The Goddess Clan?

It's time of the week again and for fans craving for "Nanatsu No Taizai" chapter 150 spoilers and predictions, read on!

Last chapter, fans finally got a glimpse on how powerful the last member of the Seven Deadly Sins, Escanor is. Not only did he defeat Galan easily, but he was able to make Galan's curse work against him.

Now that one of the Ten Commandments is out of the picture, it is time for Merascylla to face the music. Will she battle Escanor or will she flee and inform the other members?

Fans might be wondering on how powerful Escanor is, even surpassing Meliodas. Although he claims that he is a human, the source of his power is just too hard to explain. Thus, fans believe he is actually from the Goddess clan since Ban already represents the Humans.

Here's a theory about Escanor's origin from Reddit user, Axuuly. According to the user, he was a lesser god which was the reason why he was condemned by the Goddess clan. With that said, he was given power that will somehow rival Meliodas in case the captain goes wild.  

"Escanor has affiliations to the Goddess Clan for obvious reasons such as Rhitta. My theory is that Escanor was either an average human or a weak Goddess/God that was condemned by his people for his weakness. So he literally begged (opposes his sin of pride) the strongest Goddesses to give him power. So they did but only to act as a check to Meliodas' strength," the user wrote.

That also explains why he is only powerful at day and weak at night since he was just given a portion of a god's power.

Do you agree with the theory? Sound off in the comment box below.

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