K-pop = Love: KCON 2013 Shows the True Heart of Fans

The atmosphere can easily be vicious and competitive.  After all, every K-pop experience is once-in-a-lifetime.  But for the most part, drama was nowhere in sight for the fan community at KCON this year.

As KCON 2013 promised more organized artist engagement series, fans who were trading, selling and buying their artist engagement vouchers were aplenty.  While it cannot be helped that those who would take advantage of the situation still do exist, it is also not worth it to discuss about those people.  Especially when a larger group of fans are worthy of note --The fans who traded or gave up their vouchers to a bigger fan, so that other fan can see their favorite artist are the ones that caught our team's attention.  If at all, the selfless acts of these fans is made even more valuable due to the shady practices of those who take advantage.

There were two sets of these selfless fans at KCON.  Those who were giving their vouchers to someone who really wanted to see their favorite artist, when the giver is not entirely passionate about said artist.  For example, we witnessed one fan who gave up her EXO voucher to a bigger fan.  The receiver of the gift was in tears as she was so thankful to the other fan for giving her the opportunity.  How can you not get emotional after another fan gives up their voucher out of the kindness of their heart?

On another occasion, we tell the story of the girl who traded her 2AM Hi Touch voucher to a girl that had a 2AM viewing-only voucher (these were two different engagement levels at KCON this year - the Hi Touch allows for a high five with the artist, while viewing session is only to stand and look at the artist from a cordoned area).  The trade was made so that the receiver could get the chance to touch 2AM instead of just see them. What was more sweet was that when it was her chance to get a Hi Touch with 2AM, she was crying. As she high fived each member of 2AM, when she got to Jo Kwon, the 2AM leader slightly wiped her face as she passed him. It was so sweet that the whole crowd screamed at the scene. If only Jo Kwon knew...  The fan got the chance of her life because another fan was kind enough to give up their Hi Touch voucher for another fan for whom it will matter more.

This is one of the reasons why K-pop concerts always touch us, because there are these kinds of fans who help us spread the love for our favorite artists.

Another common scene at KCON 2013 are the cosplaying fans who also cover their favorite artist dances and songs, in the sweltering heat. No matter how talented one is when it comes to dancing, or singing, learning the choreography, putting a group together all require passion and hard work.  Perhaps some of these people practiced for hours a week prior, or perhaps the entire summer.  Nonetheless, their love for the art that is K-pop, and the opportunities it opens up for them are remarkable.  As one bystander mom (she refused to be named) said, "I don't understand K-pop much. I'm only here because of my daughter who loves K-pop.  But watching these kids perform in the heat is just wow. They bring it home for me.  They make me proud."

Also, with the arena so big this year, and with what feels like a billion activities being held, it is easy to be confused.  Volunteer staff, while they are extremely helpful, are also a bit scarce.  Because of this, fans attending KCON also tend to rely on each other for information and direction.  And it's just amazing how honest, how approachable attendees were. To the point that the event feels like one giant soiree where everyone can come up to anyone and feel safe and paid attention to.

It is these tiny things that make us want to return to KCON year after year.   We are reminded of the community we serve.  We are inspired by the amount of love being shared for the artists, and for fellow fans.  It's like going to a sheltering place where you know you can feel understood and welcomed.  KCON like K-pop, is not about just the music, nor about the flashy costumes, nor about the performances, but about the community it fosters and the warm love it kindles.  

Writers: Beth R and Dorothy A

KCON 2013
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