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  • Baro's B1A4 is So Supportive for His Sister Solo Debut

    Baro's B1A4 shares that his sister is about to debut as a solo and he sais that he is so supportive to her. He also said that her sister is a kind of soft girl inside and that he wants to always be there when she needs her. Although he is so busy with his schedule, he always try to spend some time for his sister.

  • The Romantic Scene in The Legend of the Blue Sea Ep 11

    In the ep 11 of Legend of the Blue Sea, Heo Joon Jae fincally remembered his memory back in Spain and he also realized that he is destined to be in love with the mermaid, Shim Cheong. He then try to protect her and also promise to not con people anymore. Yet, at the last scene, he is captured by a detective.

  • BTS Performance at the End of the Year Will Not Be Attended by Suga Due to Ear Injury

    BTS's Suga will not be able to attend the stage of the performance in the end of the year because of ear injury. He was tripped over a door and has got to get to a plastic surgeon. But, he will still be able to attend Nonsan Youth Writer Concert to greet the fans.

  • Eric Nam Giives the Right Presents for Namjoo and Chorong' A Pink

    Eric Nam was one of the MC in "Yang Nam Show" special and given the mission to give presents to A pink members with the budget under 20000 won. Yet, with the tight budget, he succeeded to give the right presents for the girls and they feel touched.

  • Le Si Young Showed Her Chic and Glamour Side at Grazia Photoshoot

    Le Si Young had a photoshoot in Vietnam. Fans were so happy to see her new side since she did not show people her sporty side. In the pictures taken for Grazie, she showed the fans her chic, beautiful and glamour side. The pictures were stunning and many people loved them