Guardians Of The Galaxy Movie Spoilers: 'Star Trek 3' Actress Zoe Saldana Spills The Beans! 'She'd [Gamora] Seduce Her Victim'

It's not easy getting Guardians of the Galaxy movie spoilers since the film is shrouded in secrecy, thankfully "Star Trek 3" star Zoe Saldana spilled some juicy info about her latest project.

Talking with The Hollywood Reporter, the mommy to be actress shared her insights on her three new movies.

Read the excerpt below: (credit: The Hollywood Reporter)

For those of us who never read the comics, Gamora is an alien assassin with superhuman strength and agility.

She was taken from her planet when she was a child and forced into a life of violence and crime. She reminds me of the lost kids of Sudan, the boys who are taken from their family and have to come back to their villages and shoot everybody. Even though it's a Marvel movie, I take it all very seriously. My husband [Italian artist and ex-soccer player Marco Perego] was a great help with the research for the part. He was talking to another artist who showed us her latest work. It was this matador doing a beautiful march of death with a cape and the sword. I saw it and thought: "That's Gamora. That's what a female assassin would do." She'd seduce her victim. And then I got to England and sat down with the fight coordinators -- these guys were pure testosterone; women were like aliens to them -- and had to convince them that this was what she would do. They'd been designing the fight scenes for weeks before I got there, but I was like, "No."

Is it true you almost broke co-star Chris Pratt's ribs during a fight scene?

I almost kicked him in the nuts. He was like (in a high-pitched voice), "It's fine, it's fine." (Laughs.) I love that about men. They're determined to maintain their dignity. Even when they're crushed.

Your skin tone has changed from blue in Avatar to green in Guardians ...

And this time it was actual makeup. Avatar was motion-capture, so everything was done in post. But Guardians was the way it's normally done. You get picked up at 3:30 in the morning and spend 4½ hours getting things glued and spray-painted on to your face.

Which did you like better?

Avatar. Working in the volume, doing performance-capture. Because you don't have to worry about what you're going to look like. That gets added later. You just play the character.

Meanwhile, for more of Guardians of the Galaxy movie spoilers, apparently, the post credits scene for Marvel's upcoming intergalactic superhero film is entirely dedicated to "Thanos" and "Nova."

Nathan Fillion is rumored to be portraying Richard Rider aka Nova in Marvel Cinematic Universe, while "Goonies" star Josh Brolin is already confirmed to take on the role of "Avengers Age Of Ultron" villain, Thanos.

However, Fillion and director James Gunn both denied the news of the "Nova" character and its appearance in GOTG movie.

"You won't see the Nova character in the film. You'll see the Nova Corps," says Gunn.

He further expressed his frustration in the rumors saying,  "Nathan Fillion is not Nova. There's so much bulls*** on the internet. I woke up - first it's 'Nathan's Nova!', then there are articles all over saying Nathan's Cosmo. It's like, 'What?!' Nathan's role is a very small cameo that I wanted to give to Nathan because I love working with him and I think it's lucky for me to have Nathan in all of my movies. At the same time I wanted to give him something where Nathan could have a larger role in the Marvel Universe if either Joss [Whedon] or I or whoever chose to do that in the future. Which I would love to do. I would love to give Nathan something he could really chew on, but it didn't work out on this movie for two reasons. Number one - because he was shooting Castle. And number two, because it just wasn't the right exact role for him."

On the other hand, Fillion himself clarified the news about also being "Cosmo" saying:

"With so much inaccurate 'news' about my involvement in GOTG, I'm actually losing faith in the internet. I'm not Cosmo," he posted on Twitter.

However, Gunn did not deny having Thanos in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie end credits scene in fact he even revealed that GOTG is connected to the third installment of Avengers franchise, where Thanos is about to take on the main villain role.

In addition, director James Gunn confirms, "We're definitely tied to 'Avengers 3."

And, with the recent development, speculations began to rise about how small or big Thanos' role in James Gunn's film would be. gave its two cents perhaps revealing more "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie spoilers, saying that Thanos would probably be seen more in the Guardians of the Galaxy end credits scene rather than in the movie itself.

Bobby BoxingFanatic Borges said:

"The last we saw Thanos was at the ending of the Avengers film. Not even a 10 sec scene that shows him. Now my idea is I could envision Thanos getting a hold of a gem that might be included in Guardians of The Galaxy. I could see Thanos looking at Asgard as saying something like "Ah...Odins treasure room" and then cuts off. It would make sense since Guardians of the Galaxy already takes place in a cosmic setting. Reintroducing Thanos would keep us interested in Avengers 3. I wouldn't be shocked if some similarity of this scene may occur."

Going back to what director James Gunn claimed, Moviepilot also speculated that since Guardians and Avengers are allegedly connected, the after credits may be: "we could see Loki ruling Asgard [as we all took a hint at the end of "Thor: The Dark World"] and/or we can get the first official look at Ultron from Avengers: Age of Ultron."

Guardians of the Galaxy is scheduled to hit theaters on Aug. 1, 2014.

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