Jennifer Aniston Pregnant, Baby Bump Update: ‘Horrible Bosses 2’ Star Says Justin Theroux Will ‘Gun’ Her If She Undergoes Plastic Surgery, Fiancé Worried That It Might Affect Baby Attempts?

Many fans have been wondering about Jennifer Aniston pregnant, baby bump updates but the actress is much focused on her career as well as her array of endorsements. While a wedding date is yet to be announced, Justin Theroux appears to be protecting his fiancée from plastic surgery and the perils it might bring should they decide to have a baby.

In her recent interview with Yahoo Beauty, the "Friends" actress spoke about women who kept on going under the knife in their attempt to stay youthful: ''I think, what I have been witness to, is seeing women trying to stay ageless with what they are doing to themselves. I am grateful to learn from their mistakes, because I am not injecting s**t into my face."

The "Horrible Bosses 2" star says that she finds the phenomenon heartbreaking: "I see them and my heart breaks. I think, 'Oh god if you only know how much older you look.' They are trying to stop the clock and all you can see is an insecure person who won't let themselves just age. I also have a fiancé who will put a gun to my head if I touch my face in any way."

In addition, the wife-to-be of Justin Theroux mentioned several women who she looked up to: "I am fortunate enough to know women like Gloria Steinem, who I think is one of the most stunning women on the planet, and doesn't touch her face. Diane Keaton, Annette Bening, all of these fabulous fearless women who are flawless, they embrace it!"

The 'Rumour Has It' star says that given the chance, she'll beg women to not touch their face.

In her previous interview with makeup artist Tina Turnbow, the Aveeno skincare line endorser emphasized the wonders simplicity could bring: "I believe the more simple, natural, and easy the skin care regime, the better off your skin will be."

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Jennifer Aniston
Justin Theroux
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