Rice Bucket Challenge: India's Take On The Ice Bucket Challenge! What Makes This Challenge Different Aside From Changing What You Pour On Your Head?

After a tremendous and overwhelming responds to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which was participated by top CEOs and celebrities, India has now a new version of it - the Rice Bucket Challenge.

According to the article on the Indian Times, an Indian woman has conceived the rice bucket challenge to encourage others to help the poor.

In the Facebook page named Rice Bucket challenge described as an "Indian version for Indian needs."

The said challenge was created by Manju Latha Kalanidihi who is a journalist from Hyderabad which currently has about 12,000 likes on its Facebook page.

Moreover, unlike the ALS ice bucket challenge, which requires the participant to dump a bucket of cold water over their head, the rice bucket challenge asks the participant to donate a bucket of rice to someone in need.

According to the Facebook page of rice bucket challenge, there are 4 steps in joining the cause. "1. Pick up a bowl of rice from your kitchen; 2. Go to the nearest needy person and give it to them; 3. Click a picture and post it on Facebook with hash tag #RiceBucketChallenge; 4. Tag all your friends and ask them to take up the challenge."

According to the Global hunger Index, India's status of hunger is at alarming levels, the report says, noting that it is one of the three countries outside Sub-Saharan Africa to fall in this category. The other two are Haiti and Timor Leste.

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